Monday, February 20, 2012

Amazing Photos!

I found these photos on twitter and thought they were worth a share. Who would have thought dogs made these amazing faces underwater? Charles would not look like that however, his photo would be of him sinking to the bottom of the pool since he has no ability to swim and only sinks like a stone!

Photo courtesy of

It's been awhile!

I thought about this blog today, went to my computer, logged in and thought to myself... Why haven't I updated this blog in FOREVER? Well, to be honest, it's because Charles is all better. His hair has grown back, he has completely forgotten that he had a major operation, and all is back to normal. Other than me freaking out every once in awhile when he is about to jump off the couch - everything is back to our status quo! And we are thrilled.

Charles slowly worked up to his former exercise level. But this took some time. Only in the last month have we gone back to our really long walks. I would take him on shorter walks, increasing week by week. All that's left of Charlie's surgery is a scar that you can feel (if you try) and see (but only if he lays a certain way and his skin drapes over). If you didn't know about his operation, you would never have noticed.

Lots of things have changed for us, we have moved out of the city and now are commuting downtown during the week. This means longer days for Charles but there is a high-school aged girl across the street who takes him for a walk in the early afternoon. This is perfect for us! I still watch him on the webcam and he sleeps all day. This always eases my guilt, but not enough to stop our 5:30 am walks and then our hour long ones after work! This sucks as it's dark out all the time right now! I recently bought a glowdoggie LED collar. I'm waiting for it to arrive and will review it once I've had the chance to use it.

Thank you to everyone who sent emails and wrote comments on the blog. There are so many people who have gone through this and it's nice to know you're not alone! It's also great to see so many dogs having the surgery and having such positive outcomes!! I have been surprised by the number of people who have written to me, asking questions and telling me their stories. While I wish none of us and our dogs had to have this happen, it's great to know that these dogs have such wonderful people who truly love them and will do the right thing when it comes to looking after their best friends!

Cheers to 2012 (and updating this blog!)

Jen & Charles